
Exploring History

Group outings to local museums and historical sites.

Members on a trip to a local museum, posing in front of the museum for a picture.

& Crafts

Hands-on arts and crafts projects with chapter friends. 

Members at a monthly chapter meeting doing an arts and crafts project that involves making quilts.

Tea Parties

Dive into detail and learn about the 1773, Boston Tea Party, during a sit down tea party with fellow chapter members. 

Members at a monthly event diving into the details of the Boston Tea Party while having a tea party.

Historic Preservation

Restoring local historic sites and giving back to the community. 

Members in Downtown Seattle posing around a historic monument after restoring the monument.

Honoring Veterans & Cadets

Honoring all those who support America with dedication ceremonies.

Members Honoring veterans with a plaque and having a tea party.

Genealogy Groups & Workshops

Discover family history and American history, with tips and tricks from fellow members.


Members doing genealogy research together.

Join us in our activities!

Orange flowers with tall wild grass on top of a rocky dirt ground.